Possible future additions

We frame our yield space as (1,2,3,3).

With the 1 representing simple yield aggregation and auto compounding of stable and long tail assets. And 2 representing the higher APY reward token LP that attracts more capital.

Self-repaying loans

Our yield aggregator is built on top of Yearn vault and strategy contracts.

This allows us to easily fork and deploy Alchemix style self repaying loans and create our own productive asset backed stablecoin.

This means we can expand to (1,2,2,3,3). Where the second 2 represents gaining leverage via taking out loans against the yield aggregator stablecoins.

Additionally the stablecoin could be added as an asset to the reserve asset generation, similar to the use of $Mim in Wonderland.money, generating a use case for the stable coin and thus helping liquidity maintain its peg.

Interest rate arbitrage

Let's add another 2 in the middle.

Yield on stable coin tend to fluctuate. Users may choose to maximize the yield.

We can deploy an AMM for these users comprising of the various stable yTokens.

This generates yield for the yToken LPs, while averaging out the yield they recieve, and at the same time hedge depegging risk for individual stables coins and give profit maximalists a way to chase the highest yields.

Now we have (1,2,2,2,3,3). The yield aggregator represents a maximal game theoretic gain of (2,2)

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